Sunday 17 May 2015

Two Drops of Love..

The rain stopped on his eyelashes and she got all drenched.


They fought the biggest fights but they always knew they will end up together.. May be they didn't.

He opened the door for her and pulled the chair. The promise of a happy life sparkled in the champagne glass. A dream came true.

There was a big crowd of people around and a lot of noise but only until their eyes met.


She found a love message in her daughter's mobile. In her old book, a rose dried a little more.


He was not answering her calls. She was furious.
The door bell rang. It must be him.
'I'm going to kill him', she murmured to herself.
He was right there....wrapped in the flag. She will never forgive herself..


1 comment:

Vinay Leo R. said...

Some happy endings, and some not. What struck me most was the two sentence with the phone and the rose petal. Contrasting to what a message was then, and what is now...