Thursday, 5 December 2013

Think About It - 2

Planning to do everything? You will get nothing done. Take baby steps. Concentrate on the most important things first.  

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Think About It - 1

Ownership is more of a responsibility than a right. Similar to how your iPhone has a scratch guard but daddy's car still has a dent from last weekend's long drive with your friends. 

Monday, 2 December 2013

How to Deal with Anger?

When you are angry: 

- Pause before speaking. (This one is the toughest because the most defining characteristic feature of anger is "out of control")

- Change your location. (This could be as simple as going into the next room which is empty. The point is going away from people)

- Tell yourself "I will regret this outburst. This is pointless." (Self-talk is under-rated. Make the most of it. You watch out for yourself)

- Countdown. Higher the intensity of anger, higher the number you countdown from. (This really helps!) 

- Look for alternative expressions. (Writing, gardening, kickboxing, etc. You can also take it out on a pillow or a stress ball. Things are immaterial. Relationships are priceless.) 

- Drain it.  (Anger does not prove your strength. Rather it shows a weak will power and shaky character.  At the same time, tears do no make you weak. Be a "no non-sense" guy. Cry it out alone. You are strong when you do not show your tears.)

The points mentioned above are not so easy. 

When angry all we think of is taking it out on the first person who comes in front of us. Sometimes somebody totally innocent gets to feel the brunt of it.  

When we are angry, all we think of is to cool ourselves down by saying and doing things which we do regret later. 

So it's definitely a challenge to deal with anger, especially when we are the ones angry. 

More than these quick tips, what would help us most is a change in our lifestyle. Research has proven that people who do the following are found to have fewer episodes of anger. 

- The ones who hang out with friends quite often. 
- The ones who laugh a lot. 
- The ones who exercise or play a sport. 
- The ones with a hobby like dancing, reading, writing, singing, gardening, knitting, swimming etc. 
- The ones who have bigger dreams in life. 
- The ones who value relationships more than trivial things. 

I agree that all this is easier said than done but ones put in practice, life becomes much easier, more calm and to top it all, FUN!! 

How do you deal with your anger? What is your secret key that brings the smile back and defeats that sudden rush of rage? Tell me about it in the comments section. 

Striving for a better day, each day. 
Aparna Gautam