Saturday 17 November 2012

Of Un-Faking

Being your real self might appear to be hurting you and others around you but it is the best way to deal with your life. You have committed mistakes? Well, who hasn't? Does that mean you kill yourself or remain on a never ending guilt trip? Nay!

If you choose to be wrong then have the courage to accept. And your wrongs had seemed right to you at one point of time, no matter which godforsaken logic you put behind it. The point is that time has gone and you have moved on.

Now the question arises if you think your real self might not be acceptable, should you cover yourself in a garb of fakeness? Hell no! I know what you are worried about. The people. The people you love. The people you care about. Well, if they don't know the real you then their being with you is temporary. A flash of your reality and poof! They'll be gone.

To quote the cliche' "Don't hold them with the fake you. Treasure the ones who love you for the real you"
Another category of people who would pretend of accepting the real you but will prick you at the drop of a hat. I have only one message if you are dealing with someone like that --- "Guard your heart, Lady!"


The Pink Orchid

P.S. I have said enough.


Dayanand Arya said...

and if u can't accept yourself...
Chenge .

Prasoon Khare said...

Its a very interesting read.. I recently wrote something similar about the masks people wear.

I think people will continue to change.. the fear of non acceptance will continue to force people to chnge..

Aparna Gautam said...

@Dayanand: Thank for the views and for stopping by.

Aparna Gautam said...

@Prasoon: Fear of non-acceptance. You have point. But in not accepting something which might not even change, our peace goes for a toss. Dont you think?

Shilpa Garg said...

Well said! As somebody said, 'be yourself, people will judge you anyway, so they might as well judge the real you!'

Smita said...

nice post :-)

Aparna Gautam said...

@Shilpa Garg: So true! Thanks for visiting :)

Aparna Gautam said...

@Smita: thank you. :)

Vikram Waman Karve said...

Dear Pink Orchid:
Very well written indeed. I fully agree with what you say.
Be Yourself. We like you as you are.
Keep Blogging